October 16, 2009 Pine City, DULUTH ZONE
ELDERS BOEHMER / BLUME have 3 date sets in Pine City, and ELDERS PAYNE / ROBINSON have organized a musical concert for the city of Askov --- performing will be ELDER LUTES on the organ and ELDER PAYNE on the piano, two of our finest musicians.
Up in Duluth tracted out a lady, teaching her a lesson with a baptismal challenge. She accepted the date. They kept teaching, didn’t use a calendar and thought they would have to move her date because of Word of Wisdom problems. A week before the date they had set, she said, “I am ready to get baptized on my date!” They asked her about smoking; she replied she had quit smoking two weeks before they gave her the Word of Wisdom lesson. They taught her the Law of Chastity; she said she had turned down the offer to go to a party because her standards are different now. She was baptized the Sunday before Elder Hansen went home!
Have been tracting / contacting for a month with no success--- recently at the end of a full week of contacting, at the last door on the street; they walked through a gate into the back yard. This was unusual for them. They saw a woman moving apples from a large fruit tree off of her lawn and asked her, "Is there anything we can help you with today?" They started helping her and taught her several principles. She came to General conference and LOVED it! She was crying during it --- and told them later that right before they showed up, she had been overwhelmed with moving the apples off of her lawn and had prayed for help. After they left, she cried her eyes out! She called them her MORMON ANGELS!
Today we had a pretty neat, little miracle (October 16th). We were out tracting a few doors. On one door, a college-aged young man opened the door and his younger brother. They said their dad would be mad if we stayed and wouldn't allow them to talk to us. As they were about to leave, their dad came down the stairs, telling them he was Lutheran and to get lost! Elder Keller briefly introduced them, bore a strong testimony to him. He visibly softened and asked "what church are you from?"
Hello from Elder Boehmer's family here at home in Utah! It is so good to see and hear that he is doing well! Many thanks to Sister Howell for the work on the blog to keep us all updated!